
• Dec 25, 2024 - 20:06

I cant publish or save anything


In reply to by Pentatonus

The Vermont farmer is proudly showing the Texas rancher around his farm. Stately oaks, 200 years old, with trunks that take 8 men to wrap their arms around. A stand of pines whispering in the wind on the hilltop. A small grove of maple for sap and to make their scarlet addition to the yellow and oranges of the other trees in the fall. And the stone walls surrounding each field and wood of the 80-acre farm.

The Texan is impressed by the beauty; however, he can't help but brag of his ranch. "Why son, my ranch is so big that if I drive from kin see 'til cain't see I won't reach the other side."

The Vermonter nods, "Ayup! Used to have a truck like that myself."

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