Open and display PDF file side-by-side within MuseScore for manual transcription?

• Dec 22, 2022 - 02:54

Firstly I want to say GREAT JOB on MuseScore 4 and I look forward to see how and where it goes for the future! I've been using it almost since the beginning.

MS3 had a function whereby users could open documents side-by-side or stacked. I hope this feature will be able to be implemented in MS4, and along with this the possibility to open a PDF file inside the internal document viewer, if it is possible.




I do a decent amount of transcription and arranging from PDF, and I only have one monitor screen for my computer.
Thus far with MuseScore 3, I've been opening MS 3 and the PDF viewer in different windows and manually stacking them on the desktop. This is a bit of a hassle because I don't have a lot of screen real-estate and I have to keep changing focus between windows to scroll and do other tasks.



"MS3 had a function whereby users could open documents side-by-side or stacked. I hope this feature will be able to be implemented in MS4,"
"Documents side-by-side" is a feature which was not implemented for the initial 4.0 release, but it should be re-introduced in a 4.x release at some point.

"... and along with this the possibility to open a PDF file inside the internal document viewer, if it is possible."
Yes, +1 for this suggestion.
I do a lot of transcription from PDF. It would be a very useful feature. You will find similar side-by-side or above-below windows on software which does optical music recognition.

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