Mute of one of the voices in Musescore 4
In Musescore 4 there's no more a possibility in mixer to mute any of 4 available note marked as particular voice.
Also there are only 2 voices available on the menu.
How can I use voices in Musescore 4?
regds, Matjaz
Look at the attachment and you will understand.
Happy Christmas
In reply to Look at the attachment and… by Claudio Riffero
thank you Claudio, yes, in the setting I se you can enable also the rest of available voices. When you don't want a particular voice to be heard you don't have a mute button in the mixer as before but you can use the workaround. You select all notes with the same voice and mute them in properties
In reply to thank you Claudio, yes, in… by msavnik
That's right, perfect.
Happy Christmas
In reply to Look at the attachment and… by Claudio Riffero
I tried muting the bass voice (blue), eyelids open or closed does not matter, didn't mute. I then muted all 4 voices, didn't work, all voices played. What am I doing wrong?
In reply to I tried muting the bass… by firepiston
Well, there was a hidden Piano, and it played too of course! You got this score from, you couldn't have guessed it :)
Remove it (in "Instruments", shortcut "I") and you're done.
EDIT: I improved the score: Voices were in inconsistent order, layout, shared noteheads etc.
(for the record I'm a classical guitarist, so, I had to!)
See now: 3Violin_sonata_no_2_bwv_1003_allegro__Johann_Sebastian_Bach.mscz
NB: I opened and saved your score with version 3.6.2
In reply to Well, you've got a hidden… by cadiz1
Thanks for the improved score. I did delete the hidden piano and was able to delete the bass voice notes so they do not play. I am still not sure how to mute voices. Why does a muted voice (eyelids down) still play?
In reply to Thanks for the improved… by firepiston
You're using Version 4. There was a great feature in version 3, where you could mute voices 1, 2, 3 and 4 with a single click in the Mixer, as you wished.
In V4, the eye icons don't relate to this ability to mute voices.
What you can do: right-click on a bass voice note / Select / More / Tick "Same voice". Then in the Properties panel, uncheck "Play".
It works, it just takes a lot longer :(
Launch the playback of the modified score: 4Violin_sonata_no_2_bwv_1003_allegro__Johann_Sebastian_Bach.mscz
(click on one or more bass voice notes, and in the Properties, you'll see that "Play" will be unchecked)
In reply to You're using Version 4… by cadiz1
Thank you SO MUCH for this! Gob bless!