Using Muse Sounds in a DAW

• Dec 22, 2022 - 18:32

The new Muse Sounds orchestral instruments sound as good as any free orchestral instruments I've ever found, is there a way to use them in a DAW without going through too many hoops?
I've briefly tried loading them into Sforzando, but to no avail. I'm pretty sure there is a way to use the MuSo library as any other soundfont, but I'm not sure how.

If the Muse team could package the virtual instruments into VST3 format, they may be the best free orchestral virtual instruments there have ever been. Arguably better than many paid Kontakt libraries.


This is not yet possible, no.
It was announced that the interface specification for MuseSampler would be made public at some point to allow 3rd parties to develop sound libraries for it.

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