Corrupted MuseScore File (Help)

• Dec 23, 2022 - 18:32

So I've been working on this composition (not completed yet), and I transitioned from Musescore 3 to 4.
Ever since about a week ago, every time I open the file, it comes up as corrupted, and some notes change, or values in rests, making the piece sound very strange.

Does anyone know how to solve this?!

Attachment Size
Gr8 Composition - Hansel and Gretel.mscz 117.64 KB


Hi there!
There's an old Howto guide on fixing common bar corruptions. I've added it at the bottom of this comment.

In my experience, the best way to fix corruptions is to delete the bars that contain them (either from whole score or in said instruments), or to delete the instrument completely from the score before adding it back and copy-pasting the part as it should be. It's worth noting that only deleting the bars might not fix it, as the corruptions can reappear.

There's also lots of helpful tips in the HowTo below. Even though MuseScore 4 is a bit lackluster in showing which bars and instruments are corrupted, everything else should still be the same.

Hope this helps :)

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