Pickup Bars in MuseScore 4

• Dec 28, 2022 - 09:42

I am unable to add a pickup bar to an already existing score in MuseScore 4. I also don't seem to be able to change the property of an existing bar in the Property side bar. Is that not implemented yet or am I missing something?


This is how I managed to do it in 4.1 so hopefully, this might be helpful to others.

I was having trouble modifying the opening bar of a simple piece of music with a time signature of 9/8, so that only the last three quavers would be shown as a pickup bar. Nothing worked for me, using what I would say is the 'normal' method.

When I selected the first measure, then "Measure Properties" menu, I changed the duration to 3/8 and checked the "Exclude from measure count" box. When I clicked on "Apply", the whole bar was deleted.

I then tried it at 8/9 and found that the last note was deleted. Likewise, the last two were deleted when I set it to 7/9. I couldn't find any way to delete the first six beats. Is this due to the fact that when I imported the midi file, there were no rests shown?

However, I did find an easy way to resolve the issue, as follows.

I selected the first of the three notes, then went to "Tools, Measures, Split measure before selected note/measure". This created a new six-beat bar at the start, complete with a rest symbol. I then deleted this bar and was left with the three-note pickup bar.

I've attached three basic files of a three-bar 'Test piece' which show the steps (in case I haven't made it too clear).


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