Gutar Tuning on Tab lines

• Jan 3, 2023 - 17:25

I was hoping Musescore 4 would have guitar string tuning labels on the TAB staff. This would be EXTREMELY helpful. please please please!!


Are you sure a vast majority of users will really need this as an explicit feature?
In my world stringed instruments usually have a standard tuning - exemptions can be visualized by a quick additional text (and the individual strings' tuning is maintained in the preferences anyway)

In reply to by the_mnbvcx

Not a "vast majority" of users. But I know that the request has been made several times to Musescore over the years. With guitar, alternative tunings is definitely a thing and especially for those players that might want to transcribe/work on songs in sheet music form. Like me. As an aside, I do like how easy it is to create a linked staff with TAB and staff lines. I can edit the notes and have my TAB reflect the changes. I know Musescore is thinking about guitar players which is great. Just hoping for a wish-list item.

I'll usually just use the subtitle space to put my tunings but would love to have that as an option to add to the TAB lines similar to a key signature on a regular staff. It's pretty much the same thing. A little check box on the interface when I edit string data. e.g. "Show string tunings on TAB lines".

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