French Beaming

• Jan 5, 2023 - 00:19

Does Musescore have an engraving option to use French Beams? That is, beams where the stems don't intersect all the way through. I use them with my handwriting and I think they're more elegant and less cluttered than the standard beaming. It is also especially nice when the staff lines are NOT visible behind the beams. Something my engraver brought to my attention - I've attached a picture...

Also, at the end of my feature requests I'm going to do my plug for [[scrubbing playback]] as a sorely desired function.

Thank you for the great work you all do - love Musescore.

Attachment Size
Fcxt9tvXwAEWaBA.png 119.67 KB


I've been using this kind of style in my music. I use the Wide Beams setting, and then I have to go through and manually change the stem lengths. It's long, and doesn't hide the stave lines behind. But, it's still better than nothing! I think it would probably be possible to write a plugin that does this (although I have no clue how the Musescore Plugin API works). As for the staff line hiding.. these seems like it would require a core change to Beams which adds an option to 'fill in' the spaces between beams with white (like you'd do with a text frame and background fill).

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