MU4 erratic audio during playback

• Jan 10, 2023 - 21:40

My computer is Windows 10 w/ 8GB and until I installed MU4, I never had any problems with audio quality during playback. I have made all of the recommended changes to settings, including the Mixer being visible, and yet I still have erratic audio quality. It appears my experience with MU4 is not unique and this is very disappointing if it cannot be fixed. I will uninstall MU4 as this is not acceptable for a MUSIC program!


Indeed, your experience is not unique. So you must do what you must.

Except that 8 GB is below the recommended amount of ram. If you look at the specs, you will also note that you need an SSD, and a minimum 4 core CPU. 8 is recommended. I have one computer that meets the minimum. It runs MS4 well. I have three other systems that fall pretty short of the specs. I have been able to get MS4 to work on them, also.
You say you've tried all the recommended changes. Please list the things that you have tried.
I will note that as a last resort, I use an audio interface to make the program work. That is not the fault of the software. Rather, I am trying to use an underpowered computer.

In reply to by bobjp

Hi, bobjp

I appreciate your prompt response. My laptop has an AMD A8 with 4 cores and 8GB RAM. As I understand the requirements of MU4, this system should run MU4 (acknowledging as is always true with computers, more memory, more speed, etc can only help).

As for what I have done in an attempt to overcome the erratic playback audio:

  1. Increased the Buffer-size from 1024 to 4096
  2. Opening the mixer, visible during playback
  3. Turn off exclusive mode and
  4. Lowered bit-rate in windows sound settings from 24 bit/96KHz to 16 bit/44.1KHz ( In the process of compiling this response, I realized I overlooked this suggested change, but has now implemented the change).

After resetting the bit-rate in Windows, MU4 had to be restarted. Without the mixer visible, the audio was still erratic. Opening the mixer did make a difference this time, and at least after my first test run (utilizing a jazz chart with many chords and melody), the audio issues appear to be much better.

I will now withhold judgment (and criticism) until I have had an opportunity to spend more time with MUf 4. I have no issues returning to MU3.6 as it met all of my requirements and the few things I wished I could do not not seem to have been addressed in MU4, so at least I have a fallback position which works for me.

Lastly, I only use playback to verify the charts I create actually sound correct (notes, chords, rhythm, etc). Thus I think my requirements are reasonable and likely typical of many MU users.

Thanks again for your prompt response. If you know of any tricks or changes in the settings which would further improve the audio quality, I welcome your insights.

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