Playback stuck when using different noteheads

• Jan 18, 2023 - 16:18

I have a score with multiple Instruments. If one of my parts has a non-standard notehead (in my case, the X), when playback hits this, it gets stuck. It repeats this note over and over and over forever (it seems) and does not play any new notes on this instrument. Only seems to impact the instrument with the non-standard notehead.

Also, in pre 4.x musescore, if I have a multi-instrument score and want to start playback at a certain spot, I click on whichever instrument I want, hit the spacebar and all instruments in the current view start playing. In musescore 4, only the specific instrument I clicked on plays. Maybe there is a simpler workaround here? In my case, I have to click on the first score, hold shift and click on the last score, then his the spacebar to play them all.

I can already click the eye on the instrument panel to show/not show individual instruments on the score. Is it intentional to only play the one instrument in this case? Seems to me, it should play all instruments that are displayed but maybe I am missing a setting somewhere?

As a side note, the 4.0.1 release fixed a lot of issues. Was really noticeable, thank you for al the work!!


This is the MS4 method of playing a particular staff without opening the the mixer. You can also pick adjacent staves, like all the brass, and play just them.
To start playback at a particular place, select a note. Not the measure. Selecting a note has always been possible.

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