Application Crash After Windows 11 Screen Timeout

• Jan 22, 2023 - 17:59

I am running Windows 11 Pro V22H2.
I have installed MuseScore 4.01 (In About, described as: "OS: Windows 10 Version 2009, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.0.1-230121751, revision: 9b70a8c")

If I walk away from my computer long enough (I have set it as low as a minute to test and reproduce) to trigger the screen timeout, when I come back MuseScore has crashed.

If I had a score open at the time it crashes, then it restarts with the information window popup "The previous session quit unexpectedly. Do you wish to restart the session?" I can click "yes" and have had no trouble restoring the session.

If I did not have a score open, I only notice the crash when I come back because it is no longer running. I have been able to reproduce this many times.

An exception is logged in the Event Viewer, and the details are in a file attached below.

Has anyone else encounter this error?

Attachment Size
MuseScore Application Error Event.txt 2.35 KB


I only Have W10. But I opened MS4, MS3, Sibelius and 3 or 4 other programs. I set up a time out. But afterwards all software was still open.

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