Musescore 4 doesn't play music - Soundblaste AE-7 / Windows 11

• Feb 8, 2023 - 19:43

I recently installed Musescore 4 but it doesn't play any music - Musescore 3 instead works flawlessly.
What seems odd in preferences -> in and output i cant set the buffer size of the device.

My System:

Windows 11
Intel 13900k
Soundblaster AE-7

Thanks for your Help!


MuseScore doesn't work with my Soundblaster AE-5 either. The linked suggestions don't help.

Maybe MuseScore only works with motherboard sound.

In reply to by bobjp

Thanks for the reply. I've done all of those steps; 'Buffer size' always stays blank for me (even if I change it).

Drivers are up-to-date.

Disabling 'audio enhancements' allows the play cursor to move, but way too fast and the sound is several octaves too high. Audio bit-rate doesn't affect this.

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