Per-staff dynamic placement

• Feb 9, 2023 - 16:08

Hi, I usually write vocal-instrumental music and for practical reasons I put dynamic for singers above the staff and dynamic for instruments below the staff. Unfortunately, there is no straightforward way of doing this in MuseScore.

The way I imagine this to work in MuseScore is like this:

  • There is a default dynamic placement editable by the style: Format -> Style -> Dynamics -> Placement. When updated, the user will be prompted, whether the placement should be overwritten in staves.
  • In the staff properties there is a dropdown 'Dynamic placement' which specifies if the dynamic should be placed "Above", "Below", "Automatic". The "Automatic" option will display dynamic according to the default value and this option is also the initial state for the dropdown.

What do you say? Do you want this feature too, comunity?


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