Notehead won't change

• Feb 10, 2023 - 19:07

When clicking on a notehead style, nothing happens.


Is it a drum staff? If so, you don't change noteheads individually, you do it globally for the whole staff using Edit drumset. See the Handbook for more info on percussion notation.

If you continue to have trouble, please attach your score and describe what you are trying to do in more detail.

In reply to by MuseScore Composer

Currently, there is no direct way to do this, as that would be an extremely confusing thing for the person reading. If you explain more about the unusual special situation leading you to consider this, we can help you find better alternatives, or if absolutely necessary, workarounds that will achieve the desired result in the notation.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi, I'm currently experiencing a similar issue. I want to be able to notate different ways to play the snare and toms on a kit i.e. rim shots, rim clicks, stick shots, etc. without having to notate everything with text or attempting to notate it with articulations. An easy workaround for this would be changing the note heads in a given measure or section to fit what the part calls for, but it seems that is unavailable per this thread. That would also allow myself or other users to create a drum key at the start/end of a score to show how everything is notated, which is a pretty standard solution for reading parts with changing notehead types.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for this. This solution is fine for the snare drum, but I don't see any additional sound options for the toms. I also found that I can't organize my drumset sounds this way when I'm adding notes to a score. Is there a solution to this so that I'm not trying to find two very similar sounds on opposite sides of of the note selection menu, or am I going to have to live with this disorganization?

In reply to by Kyronace

You can find a soundfont that provides the sounds you want, or wait a few weeks for 4.4 and the new MDL extension that will likely provide it, or live with these limitations a few more months until 4.5 comes out for with further drumset note input and customization options.

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