Shift + Arrow does not show me past the page where I start

• Feb 17, 2023 - 16:41

I am using Muse Score 4. On previous versions, I could select a measure and press ctrl+shift+arrow and the screen would continue to show me what I was selecting until I reached wherever I wanted to stop selecting. Now, I choose my measure, hit ctrl+shift+arrow and it continues to select more measures, but does not show me what I am selecting. I would like the screen to scroll as I continue through the score.

In addition, when I let go of the selection in order to copy the selected measures (using ctrl+c), so that I can paste them elsewhere, it instantly undoes my selection, losing the bit I had just selected. In previous versions of Muse Score this worked fine. I do not know why this is so difficult to use now.


The first is a known issue with a pending fix. Meanwhile, you can use the scroll wheel (with Shift if necessary to scroll horizontally) to keep your selection in view.

The second I don't understand. What do you mean by "let go of the selection"? Aside from the view positioning issue, nothing has changed about how selection, copying, or pasting works.

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