System color settings are currently lacking and/or unintuitive

• Feb 17, 2023 - 17:11

I'm a dark mode fan, so I wanted to make the actual score display as dark as well. This was my process of trying to do so:
So, okay, Preferences > Appearance...
Aha, there's a setting for the paper color! There isn't one for the notes, though...
Okay, I can click "Invert score", but then the paper color changes to plain black. This hurts my eyes.
Wait, so when I click "Invert score", the "Paper Color" option is disabled and disregarded IF I selected a singular color for my paper, BUT if I instead selected an image for the wallpaper it gets used instead and not inverted. But the option to change it is still grayed out. What?

So, I can technically do what I originally intended, with the following steps: create a PNG with the paper color I need (dark pale blue or something), set that as the paper wallpaper, and only then do I tick "Invert score". The last 2 steps need to be in that order or the option to change Paper Wallpaper isn't available.

Not only does this seem more like a chain of oversights I'm taking advantage of rather than a feature, it still lacks options. What if I want to change the default system color of my notation? Or the color that appears when selecting stuff (currently blue)? Or other stuff I can't think of right now?

We already have some color settings in Preferences > Advanced, why not put those options there?


actually, while on the topic of inverting colors, if you set a custom color for a piece of notation, it doesn't get inverted. I know it's not as simple as just subtracting each color channel from 255, but I know a pretty decent program that implements this well: Google Docs! They have a light and a dark theme and the font color is actually pretty adaptive to both.
What I think they do is take color in its HSL form and then reverse the Lightness? I'm not sure

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