Dynamics for specific staves in MuseScore 4

• Feb 17, 2023 - 22:08

Dear Musescore Users,

I have a question about the dynamics in MuseScore 4.
In Musescore 2, there was the possibility to choose the dynamic range (Stave/Part/System).
For example, you could apply the fortissimo only to the left hand part of the piano score.

Is there a similar feature in Musescore 4?
I could not find it yet and the online handbook seems to be incomplete ("[To be added]") concerning this topic.

I would be really happy to hear from you.


The new design skips the need to attach separate dynamics, and instead has you set velocity directly on the notes themselves. Currently it only works with soundfonts like MS Basic. A coming update will add more capabilities here including a "volume lane" such as those found in DAW software.

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