Musescore 4 crashes when loading big projects. Edit: Muse Sounds alto flute on alto flute staff crashes MS4 under some undetermined conditions.

• Feb 19, 2023 - 21:29

Yesterday, I tried to open a big project I've been working on in Musescore 4 with no issues (a big orchestral score with many parts, one of them using a VST instrument). However, it crashed while loading in the sounds. This is also true for another big project that was done in that program. However, a string piece that just has five parts opens with no problem. One of the scores that crashes it is attached below.

Attachment Size
Sinfonia Concertante No. 1, Op 1.mscz 80.97 KB


Works fine on my system. Which doesn't meet the minimum specs for MS4. But then I've made a lot of system setting changes to get MS4 to work. They are in a "How To" if you are interested.
BTW, you might consider panning the instruments. More realistic sound.

In reply to by bobjp

Thanks for the suggestion! I normally do so in the DAW, but didn't think to do so here since I've never had a need to. I never used to use MuseScore's audio to present a piece before, but I am seriously impressed by the new Muse Sounds, to the point that I like the strings (in particular the cellos and solo viola) far better than any of my current string VST instruments.

With some assistance from GitHub, I found that the specific combination of the Alto Flute sound on an Alto Flute staff was to blame. If that was set to a different sound, the score wouldn't crash the program. Interestingly, other staves like the Bass Flute staff could use the Alto Flute sound without any issues.

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