Musescore 4 crashes when opening file AND it's backup

• Mar 11, 2023 - 11:15

As it says in the title. I saved my score, Musescore crashed, presumably after still successfully saving the score. Now I try to open the file and Musescore crashes. There is no pop-up telling me that it's crashed, the application just closes.

There is a backup file and it has the same modification time as the main file originally had - though apparently one of the times I tried to open the score updated the modification time of the main file. Anyway, Musescore crashes in the exact same way when opening that backup. My other backups are pretty old, is there any way I could recover the score without losing huge amounts of progress? There are no autosave files, which is why I think the score was succesfully saved before the first crash. I am very desperate.

I tried opening the files with another computer as well - no luck.

Attached are the main file and the "recovered" backup.

Attachment Size
Rapsutin muse4.mscz 468.17 KB
Rapsutin muse4 bckup rec.mscz 465.58 KB


On Rapsutin muse4.mscz a 4.0.2 pre-release reports:
Corrupted measure: Full score, measure 37, staff 24.
Corrupted measure: Part score: Rumpusetti, measure 37, staff 1.
but doesn't crash on it.
Rapsutin muse4 bckup rec.mscz doesn't report corruption and opens without a crash.
Both do get modified though, attached

Attachment Size
Rapsutin muse4.mscz 468.17 KB
Rapsutin muse4 bckup rec.mscz 465.59 KB

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