MS4.0.2 reported problem
I just installed new version 4.0.2 and it has some better reporting og problems. Opening an old score, updated to this version earlier said:
Puutteellinen tahti: Partituurin stemma: Violin I, tahti 492, viivasto 1. Löytyi: 0/1. Odotettu: 2/4.
Puutteellinen tahti: Partituurin stemma: Violin I, tahti 493, viivasto 1. Löytyi: 0/1. Odotettu: 2/4.
Translating it would be like "Incomplete bar: Parts: Violin I, bar 492 ? 1. Found 0/1. Expected 2/4. There was nothing obvious in the part that I recreated. Only strange thing is the first bar (upbeat?, auftakt) which is NOT counted in the bar numbering on the score but IS counted when selecting a bar, say 492.
If I remember correctly, there was no start-up procedure to create first bar when this score was created a year ago. Could it be this and what would be recommended? I checke with MS 3.6.2 and it has the same missmatch in numbering.
Unfortunately the biggest fix I expected is not done yet. I attach a test score for checking.
Attachment | Size |
Kameleontti_m7_8.mscz | 641.82 KB |
Measure corrupt deleted and corrected.
In reply to Measure corrupt deleted and… by Shoichi
Thanks, it opens here too. So there was only two bars corrupted...
In reply to Thanks, it opens here too… by jounip
OS: Linux Mint 20.3, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.1.0-230720304, revision: 69e38ab
OS: Linux Mint 20.3, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.0.2-230651545, revision: dbe7c6d
If I open the above attachment corruption.
In reply to OS: Linux Mint 20.3, Arch.:… by Shoichi
I meant the original. Bis opens fine now.