Musescore 4 : Capo Playback with Tablature vs. Chord Symbols

• Mar 13, 2023 - 20:24

I'm creating a score with tablature underneath a couple of vocal parts. The tablature also has chord symbols on it. When I put the capo setting on the tablature staff, it only changes the playback pitch of the chord symbols, and not the pitch of the notes/fingerings on the tablature. Is there anything I can do to fix this/a workaround?

There is also a corruption issue on the score and I don't know what is wrong with the measures specified (23-24 in staff 3).

Thanks in advance!


Does anyone have more information on a workaround for this? I already reported the issue on Github but I was curious if anyone was doing something to help while we wait for 4.1?

> When I put the capo setting on the tablature staff, it only changes the playback pitch of the chord symbols, and not the pitch of the notes/fingerings on the tablature.

Here in MuseScore 4.2 the capo element works when I apply it to a guitar treble staff and when I apply it to a linked tablature staff.

I tried your score and it works as expected. The "key of G" tablature and chord symbols are transposed up five semitones to sound in the key of C.


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