unsaved song
I tried to save one of my Rought drafts for a song into the cloud, but then id didn't save and then closed my tab. So now it does not let me re-open my score, and I want to know if there is a way I can save it.
I tried to save one of my Rought drafts for a song into the cloud, but then id didn't save and then closed my tab. So now it does not let me re-open my score, and I want to know if there is a way I can save it.
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If you closed the score without saving it, it is probably lost. You should always save your work locally! Only upload to the cloud when you have a finished work ... and even then only after saving that completed score locally on your hard drive.
That said, take a look at the following threads regarding "finding backup files":
How to recover a backup copy of a score
How to recover a backup copy of a score (1.x)
Hopefully, you'll be able to find your score (or, at least, part of it) in one of these folders!
Going forward, the following thread post describes @yonah_ag's folder structure (and now, mine, too) for file versioning. This might help if the problem arises in the future. (Sadly, if you're not already doing it, it cannot help NOW.)