I can't for the life of me figure out to write the following (see image)

• Mar 17, 2023 - 22:34


How can I make this work? I've tried voices but with no luck - I am doing something wrong, that's for sure... Please refer to the image to know what I mean.


(Time signature 3/4)

Attachment Size
example.PNG 34.85 KB


Which version of MS - 3 or 4? For what it's worth, would you mind attaching your score so we can see what you've go so far for attempts with voices in that measure?

Thank you for your suggestions. I am using musescore 4. I tried some more with voice and got it to work. See attachment.

For those interested, this a part from "Grande Valse Brilliante". I am basically copying this piece to musescore to make a shorter version of it.

Attachment Size
example2.PNG 45.17 KB

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