Marketing strategy fatigue

• Apr 12, 2023 - 19:47

The Marketing approach is damaging your brand image.

This constant "60% off / 83% off / 75% off" dance makes me mistrust the company. It looks like the software must be terrible, and you have to keep tricking people into buying it buy fire-sale-ing the price..

I've used MuseScore. It' s good.

Why don't you adopt a more positive marketing approach?
...demo how using the software make scoring music better
...more accurate
...more readable
...more fun (than protools/logic etc)
Make a few videos and share those back to us.

Since subscribing I have only received confusingly divers discount offers from you; cumulatively they are cheapening your brand.

Drop me a line if you would like some help with your marketing! Would love to help more musicians connect with you!


For the record, you posted your message on a MuseScore software user forum. No one here has any connection to the website or their marketing department marketing whatsoever. You'd have to contact their support team directly with any feedback you have for them.

In reply to by underquark

My understanding that money is charged for the download of material which is subject to an active copyright. The owners have granted permission and royalties are due to them.

Although I generally agree that their marketing "changes too often," particularly with regard to discounts and the size thereof, "in this world, nothing's free." Website hosting certainly isn't. I'm sure they'll welcome your constructive suggestions when you send them to the proper venue ... which this forum is not.

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