Musescore 4 on Linux

• Apr 18, 2023 - 23:26

For no reason I can think of, other than I guess I haven't suffered enough, and against my better judgment (not that my judgment has ever been any good), I have been messing with Linux. Particularly trying to get muse sounds to work. I have MU4 loaded and working. I have the Hub loaded and have downloaded the Strings sounds. I can't activate muse sounds or select them in the mixer. Diagnostics can't find the muse library. The hub says the strings are loaded in the default location.

Now before anyone says that all I have to do is such and such, there's more. This is only a test for me. I have Mint running from a 75 gig usb iso. Crazy, I know.

But if I can get it to work it would be fun. This is how I learn things.


Welcome to the Linux world. I am sure you will have fun...

The fact that you could download the Strings sounds, means that muse service is working as designed. (and you are part of the botnet now)

If diagnostics cannot find the muse library: this means you don't have
/usr/lib/ (or something is wrong with it)
For MuseSounds to work, you need:
-Musesounds intruments
In this hidden file, put the location of the musesound instruments , default : /srv/muse-hub/downloads/Instruments/

If you have the muse-hub.service running, you probably can find in

You are running from a usb drive. Are you sure you can write to /usr/lib ?
(this is the reason they need root access. It could have been designed without the need to have root...)

In reply to by graffesmusic

Thanks for this list of things about which I have no understanding. I can go to those locations and see what is there. I have no idea what to do if they are not.
I am away from the computer I am experimenting on, for a few days.
I know that is is not normal to try this from a usb iso. I am surprised I've gotten this far. I tried formatting the the drive as a full Mint instillation, but that failed. I assume that because I can download software to the drive, that I can write to it.

I have tried Linux in the past and have found it less user friendly. Part of it is because I am so used to Windows.

I am trying this as an experiment. For the fun of it. I won't be surprised if this isn't possible. In which case the experiment is over. No harm, no foul.

Hey man, until a few days ago I was also running Linux Mint and using MS 4 almost happily. I don't recall any problems getting Hub and MS4 to link up unfortunately, neither can I test as I reinstalled Windows (heresy, I know). I think I had to restart my system, as well as MS a few times though.

Are you running from the AppImage, or did you install it through the package manager? That might not 'link' things up properly. Running from a USB stick also might be problematic

In reply to by musicandcreative

Thanks for the reply.
I'm not a Linux person, so I don't know the jargon. I installed MU4 using some thing within Mint. Possibly some kind of manager. Then downloaded the Hub. Maybe through the Applemage. I can launch both. I was able to download the Strings font. The Hub says it is in the default location. But I can't activate The strings. I understand running from a stick can be a problem. But installing MU4 and the Hub seemed to go so well. Is there some terminal thing I need to run?

In reply to by graffesmusic

OK. A bit embarrassing. This seems to have changed.
MS now expects to find the library under
(I really don't use this, because of the security problems.)

So there is not need anymore for Muse-hub to run as root?
(deleted last part: youngest files have timestamp March 29th)

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