Measure width

• Apr 28, 2023 - 00:42

WHY are the last four measures of my 4 staff choral SATB arrangement extra long and the last measure is hanging by itself at the bottom of the last page, especially when the rest of the piece is fitting 7 measures to a staff?

Am I correct in thinking this notation software is more for hearing your stuff played back than it is printing for someone to read?


> Am I correct in thinking this notation software is more for hearing your stuff played back than it is printing for someone to read?
Definitely not!
The space required by the bars depends on the content. However, you can reduce the extent of the layout by using the '{' key. And there are some other possibilities (page border, staff size, page size).

Maybe it would be helpful if you attach your score.

In reply to by

You have a system break on the penultimate measure. Delete that and the final measure will be re-attached.


However, even after that the final system looks a bit "loose". The score would probably benefit from some format tweaks. As a start you could select everything and play with increasing/decreasing stretch using the { and } keys.

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