
• May 15, 2023 - 03:23

When I try to print my part’s individually for a piece I wrote all it says is failed to load pdf document. When I try to download it none of the files are correct. Any suggestions?


Are you talking about a score that you have entered into MuseScore (on your computer) and you wish to print the individual parts on sheets of paper?
If so, why are you trying to "load" a pdf document? Just print directly from the score (parts) on your computer, to the paper in your printer.

If, on the other hand, you are dealing with the score-sharing website over at, for example:
... it's best to ask over there (e.g., if you are having trouble downloading).

In reply to by pinkpanthernc

It is unclear to me what your problem is.
If you have written a score with the MuseScore notation program, then you can use "File/Export" to save the entire score and the generated parts as a PDF on your computer and print it with a PDF reader. If this does not work, attach a sample score and describe exactly what you are doing and what the problem is.

If you want to download or print a score from and have problems doing so, then you need to contact the support on that website.
This forum on deals with problems with the notatation program.

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