Export audio crackling noise

• May 16, 2023 - 14:23

I've changed the sample rate, reverted back to factory settings several times and I still hear "crackling" noise when I play back an audio file after export.


Hmm, normally even if you have a sample rate issue, it should not be present on export. Can you upload the exported audio somewhere then pout a link here, so we can hear it on our own systems?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I would rather not as it's a work in progress to upload to my you tube channel, however know that I use windows 11 and it's a newer system just purchased this year. It's very frustrating and have had someone state on my channel on another one that their are certain instruments cut out on music I uploaded, so I know it's just not on my system.


How is playback before export? Mp3 or wav?
I have a new W11 machine, which exceeds the specs for MU4 and the only setting I have changed is I unchecked "Exclusive Mode".

In reply to by bobjp

sometimes I'm still hearing crackling noises and when I play back a mp3 or wav file after export I can also hear it. I've changed things, I've re installed, I reverted back. Very frustrating and should not be happing considering my system is fairly new windows 11. I'm going to also look into windows 11 audio options.


In reply to by Heather371

Hi Heather371!

I know it's been a long time since the discussion started and you've probably already published your work in question. However, if you still need help, try changing the "buffer size" (my MuseScore is in Portuguese, so I don't know if this setting has a different name in English, but it can be accessed in preferences/settings, under "Audio"/" I/O", within the "Edit" tab). Place it as high as possible. In my compositions, this didn't completely solve the problem, but the quality improved a lot. I believe this is due to the very strong dynamics. It may be completely resolved in your case.
I hope I helped in some way! :-)

(I used Google Translate to translate the text, so it may end up making mistakes. If that happens, I'm sorry for any mistakes).


Also try reducing the “Master” volume in the editor. Open the mixer (can be done with F10), slide the horizontal bar to the right and reduce the master volume.
After also performing the above configuration, the problem was completely resolved. The only “side effect” is that the sound may be a little quiet, but simply increase the local volume on the computer.

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