multi measure rests

• May 22, 2023 - 09:39

Can anyone help? When I go to do multiple measure rests by selecting bars and then pressing 'M" it always defaults to 32 bars - why I am only selecting 7.


In reply to by HildeK

The minimum number of rests to make into a multimeasure rest can be set in Format>Style>Rests. The default is 2, but if you prefer to see more uncondensed rests you can set a larger number.

I think that should cover most real world uses and if not then for the other, esoteric uses you can indeed break each multimeasure rest anywhere by individually setting the "break" property in each measure.

In reply to by SteveBlower

Yes, this is all well known.
But 'lbrooko' likes to select a certain number of empty measures and combine them to a multimeasure rest - and only those. At least he/she needs to the set the minimum number of rests to 7 and must set this 'break' at every sixth or seventh measure.
I would like to understand the application of 'lbrooko' ...

In reply to by HildeK

Yes, why would one want to do that and why don't the existing commands suffice? The more "options" and commands Musescore has, the more possibilities for bugs. Unless there is a real world musical reason to have irregular sections of non-condensed empty measures, I see no reason to facilitate it with another option or command. An alternative, but slightly kludgy method of course is to add an empty text object. That can easily be copied/pasted wherever an apparently empty but non-merged rest is wanted.

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