How do I create 5+5+5+7/8 time signature

• May 30, 2023 - 20:06

I trying to have my whole song in musescore have phrases of three measures of 5/8 and one measure of 7/8 and have that repeat throughout the whole entire sheet music. Is there a way for me to implement it?

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There is.
1. Click the "More" button of the "time signatures" palette. Press "Create time signature". Tweak the "values" to 5 / 8. Choose the correct beaming: 3+2. In your case it would be the default one. Press "Add".
2. Click the "More" button of the "time signatures" palette. Press "Create time signature". Tweak the "values" to 7 / 8. Choose the correct beaming: 2+2+3. In this case it would NOT be the default one which is 3+2+2. Press "Add". You may also check "Also change shorter notes".
3. Right mouse click those new signatures in the "time signatures palette". Click "properties" and rename them as "3+2" and "2+2+3" respectively.
4. Now go through every bar of your future score and mark every bar with new time signatures. This would be quite monotonous and boring but it is necessary.
5. Right click any of that time signatures. "Select"-"More...". Press "OK". Now you have every time signature selected. Press "V". Now you have all of those time signatures grayed out. (If you were to go to "View"-"Show" and uncheck "Show invisible" you would see that those time signatures would not be printed should you choose to do that. In Musescore 3 it would be "View"-"Show invsible" straight away).
6. Left click the invisible time signature at the very beginning of your score. Press "V". Now only the first time signature is visible.
7. Right click the now-visible first time signature. "Time signature properties". Change its "appearance" to 5+5+5+7/8. "OK"

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