Font Error In the software

• Jun 10, 2023 - 13:26

I used modern no. 20 in this score but it turned out to be a font I don't really like. could you please fix this bug? thank you. Example file and link:

Attachment Size
Variations Brilliante Op. 65.mscz 84.53 KB


In reply to by KoiPieces

Your score uses Edwin all the way, as far as Format > Style > Text styles goes
But indeed "Modern No. 20" as individual settings for Title, Subtitle, Tempo texts. Not for composer or any of the staff texts though.
Whatever: if "Modern No. 20" is available on, but doesn't get used there, that seems a bug on and with

In reply to by KoiPieces

Seems "Modern No. 20" is free for personal use, but not for commercial use, and the latter is what does

This font style is controlled by a permit that must be obtained if it is to be used commercially. However, a sample version of this font is available for your personal use.

So indeed very likely does not have it

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

It appears that the issue is related to the software.

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