Tremolo Bar displayed over incorrect staff, crash on delete

• Oct 3, 2014 - 07:35
S2 - Critical

MuseScore 2.0 Beta1 (ditto with last Nightly, October 2) / Windows 7

1) New score for Electric Guitar: standard staff + linked Tab staff : 4/4, 32 measures

2) Fill the first measure in standard staff with four quarter notes

3) Select the third note in the same staff

4) Go to Articulations & Ornaments Palette -> Double-click on the Tremolo bar symbol

Result: nothing happens

5) Now, select the third number in the Tab staff -> Double-click on the Tremolo bar symbol

Result: it appears above the standard staff

6) "I" -> select Staff 1 (standard) -> Remove

Result: crash

vibrato bar.jpg

Attachment Size
vibrato bar.jpg 19.44 KB


BTW, for those of us not familiar with the "tremolo bar" symbol, it's the inverted carat at the end of the articulations palette.

I tried this on a a score that had other instruments as well. Turns out adding the tremolo bar symbol to the tab staff doesn't necessarily display it above the linked standard staff - it displays it above whatever the top staff of happens to be. In my case, it was a piano staff.

The crash on staff delete looks to be very straightforward: there is no "case" for TREMOLOBAR in Segment::remove() here:…

So you can actually duplicate the same crash much more simply:

1) new score with tab staff
2) enter notes
3) enter a tremolo bar over some note
4) select it
5) delete

Title Entering the tremolo bar symbol in a standard staff, then removing this staff causes a crash Crash on delete of Tremolo Bar articulation
Title Crash on delete of Tremolo Bar articulation Tremolo Bar displayed over incorrect staff, crash on delete

The crash is easy enough to fix by adding a case - probably to the same place where most other elements are handled - but the fact that the symbol displays in the incorrect location is another matter.