Printing Combined Parts seperately

• Jun 26, 2023 - 02:34

In Musescore 4, is there away to print out parts separately (trumpet 1 and 2, Trombone 1and 2).

Thanks in advance!


What do you have? A single trumpet (trombone) staff with two voices (blue and green)? Or both notes of the trumpet (trombone) written in voice 1 (both blue)? Or mixed? (Blue: voice 1, green: voice 2).
And what do you want to achieve? Two separate sheets for each instrument?

I assume you have something like what is shown in my picture.
To separate them, insert a second trumpet (trombone) staff just below the first one. Then select the notes and use "Tools/Explode" and create separate excerpts. This works perfect if you have written all like measure 1 or all like measure 2.

In the mixed case (like measure 3), you cannot apply "Explode". You must do this manually or change the second notes to voice 2 as well before using "Explode". Otherwise, voice 2 will be overwritten.

In case of a mix of some like m.1 and some like m.2, however, it's a bit special: Explode can be used for both variants, but not together. Explode first transfers voice 2 to the second staff -o.k..
Then be careful: select only the measures that were both written in voice 1, and apply 'Explode' to them separately.

Best you try it with a copy of your score ...

[Experience with MuS 3.6.2; maybe the behavior is a bit different in MuS 4]

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