MuseScore crashing and not able to restore file

• Jun 28, 2023 - 16:18

I thought I would make some changes to my composition "Equilibrium 6" but when I try to do this MuseScore crashes abruptly. When I choose the "restore" option it also crashes. So I'm stuck in limbo. Any ideas would be appreciated. I've included the most recent file (Equilbrium 6) as well as the older file. (Equilibrium 5)

Attachment Size
Equilibrium 5.mscz 37.49 KB
Equilibrium 6.mscz 37.62 KB


The first time I tried to open this, it crashed immediately, then I tried again and it worked. Are you seeing the crash after some specific edit operation? Please also try the 4.1 beta from the the Announcements forum to see if that works better for you - quite a few crashes have been fixed.

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