Search for exact phrase

• Jul 14, 2023 - 04:35


Not sure if this is a bug report or a feature request. In advanced search engines, one can use quotation marks "this exact phrase". I does not work with musescore. I get page after page after page that match one word in a phrase. At the very least, a search could show exact matches on top. I am a repeat paying user, and I don't think this is an unreasonable request.

Thanks, Mike Clark,



I totally agree with you and was trying to report this when I saw your post.

On a site where one of the the main purposes is to help finding pertinent scores, it sounds absurd that searching scores by order of Pertinence for "Soul Eyes" for example brings first tons of scores whose title contains the word "Eyes" but not the word "Soul", so I have to browse thru many pages to find scattered pertinent scores.

In 2024 a search function not capable of selecting "Soul" AND "Eyes", or better "Soul" FOLLOWED BY "Eyes" (but the first option would be enough) sounds incredibly dumb (and shameful). I'm an IT professional and I know what I'm talking about.

I hope this comment will reach the developers because really, guys, do something and fix this really basic issue if you really care about your users and want to improve your site.


In reply to by rgruet

Hey Richard, thanks for the comment. I also am a programmer and have written search engines and directories. They gotta have a database of titles and composers, and regardless of the type of db, searching it with just a touch of boolean logic would make it better experience. Mike

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