Rhythm length different than visually shown

• Jul 15, 2023 - 12:29

Hey there! Is it possible to have a note in the measure last shorter than it is supposed to? I needed an 8th note to last one 32nd shorter than it is (aka 3 instead of 4).

The reason is that, in piano writing, I want to have a melody in the 5th finger while there is a chord tremolo divided between both hands (Liszt's "Chasse Neige" style). When that happens, usually the melody note falls with the right-hand chord, which is the "off-beat" one, and since the tremolo is supposed to be fast, the fact that the melody is "off-beat" is pretty much unnoticeable. For the sake of clarity, the melody in these cases is written AS it was written on beat, which would mean that any note at the end of a given bar would technically prolong to the following one for the length of one tremolo note. My question is, is it possible to do this in musescore? If not, any suggestions of workarounds?

Attached is the example in Chasse Neige which does this (in this case it lasts five 32nd notes instead of six, because they are grouped in sextuplets) and the shananigans my piece looks like right now, with the "accurate" notation.


Attachment Size
chasse_neige_example.png 11.13 KB
shananigans.png 27.29 KB

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