new to musescore 4 basic question

• Jul 21, 2023 - 16:58

I have a Mac M1 Ventura and I started using Musescore 4.
After inputting notes, I couldn't figure out how to move on to the next beat.

I found that the notes I input would be added to the current beat.

How do I move onto the next beat and input notes? You can see that in the picture the rest is highlighted and that's where I want to input the new note. How do I move on to that beat?


Attachment Size
Screenshot 2023-07-21 at 11.55.36 AM.jpg 186.95 KB


What you show looks normal. Any note you type on your computer or play on a MIDI keyboard will be entered with the cursor shows. If you use the mouse, it will be entered at the location you click, which may or may not correspond to the cursor.

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