Customize which elements are allowed to be placed within the staff when autoplace is enabled

• Jul 23, 2023 - 20:58

Some articulation markings (staccatos, tenutos, etc) will be placed inside the staff to be closer to the notehead. Other markings, mainly accents, will not be auto-placed inside the staff and must all be dragged inside manually. Some kind of setting to enable accents and other markings to be auto-placed in a similar way to staccatos would be nice.

Attachment Size
autoplace pls.PNG 22 KB


Would indeed be nice. An intelligent solution woudl have to interpret a lot of context.
Gould - Behind Bars p 120 - writes "Accents ... are usually best placed outside the stave, where they are most conspicuous. They can move onto the stave when they would otherwise be a long way from the note. The accent is clearest when centered in a space. As it tends to obscure a pitch when placed in the stave a series of accents is best placed outside the stave."
In MU 4.1 this setting doen't seem to have an effect;
Setting combined articulation.png
When stacato and accent are attached separately the accent - manually centered - touches the stafflines slightly. It would need redesign with a smaller angle.

Attachment Size
Staccato-Accent.png 1.91 KB

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