Playback not generating any sound

• Aug 1, 2023 - 16:11

Hello everyone,
today right after installing MuseScore 4.1.1. (1st of August) I checked one of my pieces and unexpectedly, only one instrument set does not generate any sound, and these are the Kongos. Notation seems to work, mixer in the upper pannel however does not show any sound when clicking on the sheet music (only Kongos, rest is okay).
Is there any way to repair this? Is this just a bug? It is an orchestral piece and Kongos play quite an important role in there.


I'm not sure what "Kongos" translates to - congas, maybe? Those work fine for me. Make sure you've entered notes using the correct pitches - you can't simply copy/paste notes from one percussion part to another and expect them to work. If you continue to have trouble, please attach your score so we can understand and assist better.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Sorry, I somehow did not switch languages when writing that, sometimes I am surprised that I am able to build a cohesive sentence. Anyway, the part itself was written directly into it's own staff, not copied or pasted whatsoever. It just stopped producing sound, almost like if it did not have the sound font or what... I have no idea. In the mixer it does not show Congos (Konga in Czech), but just MS Basic. Is it this? I'll pin the file on this comment. Thank you.

Attachment Size
Orientale - copy.mscz 62.38 KB

In reply to by Matthew Dolezal

There are no congas in Muse Sounds, so it's correct for the sound to default to MS Basic. Which notes are you not hearing? Starting from the beginning I don't notice any obvious problems.

EDIT: BTW, I see you have a bunch of other instruments "soloed" in the mixer, but not this one, so it won't play by default - only if you also solo this staff (either using the "S" icon or by selecting it before starting playback). Not sure why you have all those other instruments soloed, but probably you want to turn that off.

In reply to by Matthew Dolezal

So, you mean after turning off solo on all the other channels, you are still having problems? EDIT: never mind, they aren't truly soloed, I was confusing myself by selecting a measure in the conga part, which disables the mute buttons and makes it look like other staves are soloed.

What say what OS you are using. The scores was apparently last saved with WIndows, but maybe you're current editing on another machine. If Linux, be sure to use the supported AppImage, not any sort of unsupported third-party build, which often have hard-to-diagnose issues like this due to improper build procedures.

Are you saying only congas have problems, not other instruments? What if you create a new empty score with nothing but congas, acoustic guitar, and piano, then add notes to each, making sure MS Basic is selected for congas and acoustic guitar, and Muse Sounds for piano?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I have Windows 10 Pro, and the file was created and edited only on this very machine.

Yes, only congos have this problem. If I switch violins (or any other instrument) to MS Basic, they also do not produce any sound at all.

EDIT: I made the new part and yes, MS Basic was chosen for guitar and congos, while Muse Sounds for Piano. However again they did not produce any sound excluding the piano, which was playing fine.

Attachment Size
Orientale.mscz 64.56 KB

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