Changing the color of the plugin Color notes - Musescore 4

• Aug 4, 2023 - 16:55

I know that there are already several forums on the same topic but in my case I want something a little more specific.

I have tried to modify the plugin but when I save it the program does not recognize it, I do not know what I am doing wrong. Can someone help me?

I am looking for a way to change the color of the notes to the Chilean "music in color" system.
That is, C blue, D green, E yellow, F orange, G red, A purple and B light blue.
The point is that the accidentals must maintain the color of the natural note: C# blue, Db Green...

C/C# #0000ff
Db/D/D# #00aa00
Eb/E #ffff00
F/F# #ffaa00
Gb/G/G# #ff0000
Ab/A/A# #aa55ff
Bb/B #55aaff

Attachment Size
2023-08-04 11_48_18-Untitled score.png 7.84 KB


Ac C# and Db are the same pitch (same for D# and Eb. F# and GB, A# and Bb), that won't be possible with that plutin, not as easily as just changing the colors at least, as that plugin uses the pitch to determin the color, you'd need the tonal pitch class though, similar to the notenames plugin

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