Key signature is dropped from my score after I published it to the website

• Sep 11, 2023 - 22:41

Hey. I wanted to post it in Issues but I kept getting redirected to my home page so I have to post it here.

I have this score with a time signature of c-flat minor, but when I uploaded it to the website it dropped the time signature entirely (notes are not moved and the playback sounds normal). How did this happen? The only thing I remember doing that might be out of the ordinary is I have edited the "Project properties", as I have an older version of this score published separately and had to edit the data before publishing the new version. I think I changed the work title and composer.

One other thing I remember that was a bit unusual was when I changed audio device on my computer, my local score playback (on MuseScore 4) sounded about a full step lower than I intended. The issue no longer existed after I restarted MS on my original output device.

The source is
According to the project properties it's using MuseScore version 4.1.1, revision e4d1ddf and API-level 410. Please do advise me if you need extra information. Thank you.

Edit: The first time I reuploaded it it didn't work, but I tried again after manually dragging the key signature onto my score again and apparently that fixed it... So I'm guessing a bit of data corruption happened at some point.

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