Musescore opening PDFs, not scores

• Oct 8, 2023 - 13:09

I'm trying to help a friend who should be sending me some .mscz files so I can correct the work. However, he tells me that when changing from Musescore 3 to Musescore_4, his .mscz files have disappeared, and now only opens up everything in '.pdf' format. This sounds a bit odd to me, and since I'm not in the same town as him, I can't see exactly what's happened on his computer. Has anyone heard of this before, and if so, what's going on?

BTW, he's reasonably new to MS, so he probably changed a setting without knowing. However, he claims that he can't find any .mscz files in his folders.

Any suggestions or remarks (are welcomed).


MuseScore doesn't just delete scores. So your friend needs to use the Search feature of his computer to find where the scores (.mscz files) are kept. Using a PDF copy of the score is not a sensible option: although you can in theory use the MS menu option File > Import PDF, it is not very accurate at recognition of the notes.

With MuseScore 3 open, your friend could also look in Edit > Preferences > General > Folders > Templates, where he will see the standard folder where MS3 saves the scores by default.

> However, he tells me that when changing from Musescore 3 to Musescore_4, his .mscz files have disappeared
Musescore 3 and Musescore 4 use different default folders for storing scores.
For Windows these are:
So if you start MuS4 and use "File/Open" you will not find the MuS 3 scores directly. You can then navigate to the MuS 3 scores folder, but I recommend you use the operating system's file manager and copy the scores from the MuS 3 scores folder to the MuS 4 scores folder. Then MuS 4 will find them.
And you still gain a backup copy :-).

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