Accordion issues in Musescore 4

• Nov 3, 2023 - 01:41
  1. Accordion rank/stops/register symbol placement fail.
    When choosing a register symbol the placement is wrong and buggy, see video.

  2. Playback in grand-staff.
    The playback is having a hard time when the same note is in both staves in a grand-staff.
    The accordion can have the same note at the same time i both hands.

  3. Missing symbols and accordion features.
    Standard Bass chord symbols and playback, see files included for examples and rules.

  4. And in general the sound is horrendous.
    I hope it is on the plan of the MS4 masters in the future.

  5. Playback with the different stops/ranks/registers.
    When a "non-loco" register is chosen the octave needs to change to play the exact pitch.


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