Annotations and history lists

• Nov 9, 2023 - 15:57

MU4 does not provide a full history list for changes - which might be desirable.

However, even if it does not do that, is there any hope of getting some form of annotation page to record updates and changes?
I am thinking here of scores where changes may take place over a long period of time - months, perhaps even years.

The kind of thing I'm thinking of is something to go at the very front of a score - such as:

Date: Changed by: Comment
19/3/23: XYX : Split the viola part - divisi - from bar 100 - 123 - parts at the octave

20/3/24: XYZ: Also doubled the first violin with the flutes from bar 114 to 123.


Obviously this kind of record could be done by external files - such as spreadsheet or text files, but separate files have a habit of becoming unseparated over time.

There could also be a separate page for suggestions:


20/3/24: XYZ : Try clarinets doubling the violas in thirds from bar 172 to 194.

A slight refinement would be to have each entry given its own reference code.

Modifying the previous example slightly:

abc234:: 20/3/24: XYZ : Try clarinets doubling the violas in thirds from bar 172 to 194.

Comment yz231: 21/3/24: XYZ Re abc234: Oboe and flute worked better! Tested 21/3/24.

If there is already a usable feature like this, I'd like to know of it.

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