Linking Reaper With MuseScore 4

• Nov 11, 2023 - 21:41

Hi all,

I want to be able to fully link the transport and MIDI out of MuseScore 4 to Reaper in such a way that I can have a full orchestra template and control everything from articulation to MIDI channel directly from MuseScore. Basically, I want to use MuseScore in place of the built-in score editor.

I tried following this guide (which is written for MuseScore 3) and ran into the following issues:
- The Transport of MuseScore and Reaper are still separate.
- Each instrument in MuseScore is sent to a separate MIDI channel, which precludes doing any switching.
- The click is being sent out as MIDI, which really makes a mess of things.
- The fact that each instrument is getting sent out as a separate MIDI channel limits me to 16 instruments

Is what I want to do even possible? If so, how do I do it?


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