More streamlined way to write drum set parts?

• Nov 15, 2023 - 06:12

The main instrument I write sheet music for is the drum set. I don't know if I'm approaching this wrong, but it seems the primary method to writing parts for a full drum set is very slow and unoptimized.
The way I taught myself to write these parts is to use the drum note toolbar; unfortunately, I can only add one type of note to the score at a time. I can hotkey some of the notes, but only at a maximum of 7 notes. Ultimately, I end up using another program to write my parts and import that file into Musescore for cleanup and final printing.
Is there a better/more efficient way to write drum set parts, and is what I taught myself to do "technically correct but highly impractical"?


The best I can offer would spend a little time in the manual and learn how to edit the drum palette. You can modify it to remove all the instruments you don't want and put what is left in less voices. The palette is set up for those who use keyboard shortcuts to enter everything. It is not optimized for mouse input.
Other software allows you to open a drumset staff and enter notes directly, like any other instrument. The palette make you select a shortcut for each different sound.
Good luck.

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