Laptop parameters

• Nov 19, 2023 - 15:03

It is time for me to get a new laptop. What would be the minimum AND optimum requirements? Memory capacity, processing speed are important, but less obviously but equally critical is sound reproduction. What would you recommend? My set set-up includes a MIDI keyboard.

Many thanks for your input,



The Download page lists the specs needed to run MS4. Many people use an external audio device. Like a Scarlett Focusrite. Modern laptops have good audio systems. Don't forget that there are audio settings that might need to be looked at.

In reply to by bobjp

Thank you. I have not considered at all what I may need to do with audio settings. My current set-up dates back to about 2012 when I installed Sibelius,. I paid attention then, but no longer remember what I needed to do other than invest in a "better grade" sound card.

Is there an appreciable quality difference with an external sound card?. And where can I find instructions on the audio settings your reference?

Many thanks!


In reply to by walterweckers1

The main adjustment Sibelius needed was to turn off "exclusive mode". This I found out in their forum. Not from any other notification. is a list of things to look at for MU4. My old laptop from a similar time as yours ran Sibelius fine. But not MuseScore. Putting in an SSD and using a little $20 audio splitter helped. Along with the above settings.
But in the end, the real answer was to get a more powerful computer. Helped along because the keyboard was starting to fail on the old computer.

Rule of thumb is easy:
=> 16GB RAM
=> SSD size can be "small", i.e 256GB (not 128!), unless you keep big files on your laptop, but PLEASE remember a disk can break any moment, any important files MUST be backed up somewhere.
=> Proc, i5 or more, or AMD equivalent

Any config like that one is ok.

Obviously you can pay more and have more, just know that the more power you get, the more money you need to get additional one.

IT devices and laptops in particular can have really interesting blackfriday offers, I just ordered my Surface with a real 40% reduction (the price indicated as original was not artificially bloated).

In reply to by walterweckers1

The speakers have the biggest influence on the sound quality. An external sound card like the one mentioned is certainly better than the built-in one, but the difference should only be small. Of course, this depends on how well the manufacturer has developed it.
Above all, they have quality advantages if you want to make recordings from a good microphone, for example.
And an external sound card can easily be purchased later if you hear interference, e.g. when moving the mouse.

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