Glissando cadenza in 12/8

• Nov 23, 2023 - 19:18

Hi there ! I'm a bit confused with the last bar of this piece. There is a cadenza glissando and there are 38
notes in 12/8. If anyone can help I would be grateful!

Attachment Size
gliss. cadenza.png 83.76 KB


Try using a tuplet with a ratio of 44:24 in Voice 1 of the bass clef staff:

a) notate the entire tuplet run in the bass clef, starting with a quarter note rest
b) join any missing beams
c) make the tuplet notes cue-size
d) move the desired notes cross-staff to the treble clef
e) I cheated with the 8va line by using a Staff text line instead

The tuplet mathematics work out as follows:
6 sixteenths for the quarter note rest
14 sixteenths for the bass clef notes
24 sixteenths for the treble clef notes
44 "tuplet" sixteenths in the space of 24 "normal" sixteenths

In reply to by DanielR

Thank you very much ! I really appreciate your time doing this whole thing. I just added a tuplet of 21:12 ratio and it worked. When I finish notating this piece I will post it. It's called "Rhythmic movement" and it's written in 9/8 by Pantcho Vladiguerov (composer from Bulgaria).

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