Note selection bug?
I am working in adding fingering to notes in a piano score.
Quite frequently I am running into a note selection issue.
When I try to select a single note, MuseScore goes into a mode
where instead of selecting a single note, the entire measure is selected.
The only way I have found to work around this is to quite the
application and start up again. Aside from a major irritant, this is
beginning to cut into my development time.
Can't say that I've had that happen. Post part of a score that has this happen.
You need the cursor directly ON the note head. and just click. Don't try to click and drag. If you accidentally get the measure selected, just click something else, then go back and click the note. I have never needed to shutdown and start the program again after selecting a measure.
Thanks for the comments. I am using a Surface Pro 7+. This is an intermttent problem. I cant reproduce it today. But i am sure it wilk be back. It happens several times a session. Each time i have to restart Musescore. I will post the score and a video showing the problem when it comes up again.
In reply to Thanks for the comments. I… by greenydude
So you're saying that at some point you click on a note and the whole measure is selected. And you have to restart the program.
So the program is locked and you can't un-select the measure by clicking somewhere else. Or with Undo (CTRL+Z)?
How are you selecting notes. Mouse, touch pad, pen on the screen, finger on the screen?
In reply to Thanks for the comments. I… by greenydude
I am not familiar with Surface Pro machines, but I would make sure all input methods (mouse, touchpad, etc) have updated drivers. Years ago (maybe Windows 95 era) I had an issue where if I clicked a blue hyperlink in Internet Explorer before the rest of the page had fully loaded, the entire computer would lock up and only by holding the power button could I shut it down and then restart. Updated the mouse driver and the symptom was cured. Computers can have all kinds of weird interactions and the program you THINK is the cause may not actually be the culprit.
Same thing happens to me. I click the title of the score, and everything goes back to normal. Definitely a bug.
In reply to Same thing happens to me. I… by pizzicator
A Surface is a Windows computer with a touchscreen. I have one and like any other computer, if you miss the notehead, the entire measure is selected. and yes, if you click outside the staff, everything goes back to normal. Just like any other computer.
In reply to A Surface is a Windows… by bobjp
I am not using Surface. I am not missing any noteheads. Nothing but the entire measure is selectable. You can click the notehead a million times nothing changes. The only thing that fixes for me is to click the title. After that any notehead is selectable.
In reply to I am not using Surface. I am… by pizzicator
Are you saying that when you open a score and try to select a note, that only the entire measure is selected? Then everything is OK after you click in the title? Please post part of one of your scores.
In reply to Are you saying that when you… by bobjp
This happens in various scores. It does not happen initially. Somewhere when I am editing the score, I do not know how, it falls into this state. Closing and opening the score does not help. You either need to restart the program all together or (easier) click the title.
In reply to This happens in various… by pizzicator
You might try to revert to factory settings in the help tab.
In reply to Same thing happens to me. I… by pizzicator
I was in the the same boat. Selecting the title didn't work for me but restarting MuseScore worked.
Surface Pro 8. (Not using the touch screen.)
OS: Windows 10 Version 2009 or later, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 4.2.1-240230937, revision: d757433
I've had the same problem - can't select note, get measure instead. Accurately hitting the note or barline or anything selects nothing and does nothing. I think what's happening is the program is confused what screen it's on as some of the context menus are showing up on the other screen. I moved the program to my right hand screen and now it's working better. Some sort of UI bug. Means I can't use my giant screen to edit notation, but I can at least work.
In reply to I've had the same problem -… by catranch
I've had the same problem- my workaround is choose the measure before, then right arrow and you will have the first notehead in the following measure. Clue maybe: I also use 2 screens (primary & extended)