Play Staff Only One Time

• Dec 12, 2023 - 17:32

I have created a score in my MuseScore 3.6.2 with multiple staffs and put repeaters on it to repeat the staffs four times. However I have one staff that I only want to play on the fourth repeat. Is it possible to instruct MuseScore to play this staff only one time? The alternative would be to set the score to repeat only three times, and copy/paste the whole score to play the fourth time with that staff playing. But that seems like a waste of space.



No, this is not possible.
You don't necessarily need this for a paper copy of the score, just put a text note there.
To create an audio file, I would use 'Tools -> Unroll repeats' and manually delete the unwanted notes of the fourth repeat.
Musescore uses this command to create a copy of the score with a different file name: name.mscz is changed to name_unrolled.mscz so that you have both variants available. It does not modify the original score!
As long as the score is only on the computer as a copy, the waste of space doesn't matter, does it?

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